4 Reasons to Develop Websites in WordPress

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Wordpress Website DevelopmentPeople often ask me why I recommend developing websites in WordpPress. Well, here’s why:

WordPress Websites Are User-Friendly

WordPress makes it super easy for my clients to update their own websites. Most clients don’t want to have to contact their web developer just to change two words on a page. And frankly, I don’t want to be contacted for that either. WordPress is very easy to use, so my clients can update their websites themselves.

WordPress is SEO-Friendly By Design

With just a few one-time tweaks, WordPress websites are instantly SEO-friendly. Even better, SEO plugins are available that automate certain ongoing SEO tasks (like XML sitemaps). WordPress reduces SEO workload significantly compared to other methods of website development.

Timely Updates Keep Websites Secure

WordPress regularly issues security updates. This is something that is not available for custom-coded sites. If a new method of hacking is developed, and the existing WordPress code is vulnerable, WordPress will issue an update. If your site is hard-coded, such vulnerabilities would not be likely to hit your radar.  As long as you regularly install WordPress updates, you can have peace of mind that your site is as secure as possible. (Note: Always backup your WordPress site before updating.)

Plug and Play Features Reduce Development Time

Features like e-commerce online stores, calendars, event registration, social sharing buttons, and thousands more are available as WordPress plugins that take moments to install. This takes a lot of the manual work out of developing such website features manually. Plugin developers also issue updates that include security enhancements as well as new features.

How to Quickly Start Building a WordPress Site on Your Local Computer
President & Chief Web Traffic Controller at Pam Ann Marketing at Pam Ann Marketing
Recently named one of the “Top 10 Best Women in SEO,” Pam Aungst Cronin, M.B.A. is widely recognized as an expert in SEO, PPC, Google Analytics, and WordPress. A self-proclaimed “geek”, Pam began studying computer programming at 6 years old, started creating websites in 1997 and has been working professionally in the field of e-commerce since 2005. Referred to by Sprout Social as a “Twitter Success Story,” she harnessed the power of social media to launch her own agency in 2011. Pam travels all over the country speaking at conferences and guest lecturing at universities. Click here to read her full bio.
Pam Aungst Cronin