
Chart a course to success with these helpful tools


Picture of a tablet with a screenshot of the SEO-Optimized Blog Writing Template

SEO-Optimized Blog-Writing Template

This SEO-Optimized Blog Writing Template makes it easy to plan out a keyword-optimized article. Use it in conjunction with the SEO Blogging Schedule Template to plan out your writing! Download Instantly!

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Graphic titled “SEO Blogging Schedule Template” showing a spreadsheet on a tablet

SEO Blogging Schedule Template (Spreadsheet)

This SEO Blogging Schedule Template will clear up your writers block in no time. Fill out your dates, topics, categories, primary keywords, secondary keywords, internal links, and status. The blog categories are customizable via the

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Graphic titled “SEO Keyword Mapping Template” showing a spreadsheet on a tablet

SEO Keyword Mapping Template (Spreadsheet)

This SEO Keyword Mapping Template is a key component of any successful SEO strategy. Fill out your page names, URLs, existing keyword rankings, and keyword ideas. Then, finalize your primary and secondary key phrase selections

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