Facebook Marketing Plan Template (Updated)

*updates reflect changes to Facebook Pages analytics and advertising optionsFacebook Marketing Plan Template

Developing a formal Facebook marketing plan has many benefits. A marketing plan ensures clear, consistent brand messaging, helps avoid social media blunders, and provides a way to measure success. Facebook marketing plan templates are hard to come by on the web, and the ones that are out there aren’t necessarily comprehensive.

Facebook Marketing Plan Template – Summary

Facebook Marketing Plan Template (Preview)
Preview of the Facebook Marketing Plan Template

The following is a summary of the comprehensive Facebook marketing plan template that I have developed, available for download below. The full document is 12 pages long and contains approximately 1,900 words that will guide you through the process of developing a professional, thorough, and comprehensive Facebook marketing plan.


The Facebook marketing plan template consists of 3 major sections:

  • Current Situation Analysis
  • Strategic Facebook Marketing Plan
  • Reporting, Measurement, and Continuous Improvement

Current Situation Analysis

This section of the Facebook marketing plan template highlights the following:

  • Goals, Strengths, and Weaknesses
    Provides a high-level summary of the brand’s existing Facebook presence
  • Current Facebook Situation
    Statistics on the current activity level and engagement on the page, as well as a competitive analysis

Strategic Facebook Marketing Plan

This section of the template covers:

  • Audience
  • Brand Message
  • Posting Frequency
  • Post Content, Mix, and Ratios
  • Tactics to Increase Brand Awareness
  • Tactics to Increase Fan Engagement
  • Harvesting Competitive Intelligence
  • Contests
  • Coupons/Offers
  • Facebook Advertising

The full template contains explanations, suggestions, and examples for each of the above.

Reporting, Measurement, and Continuous Improvement

This section of the Facebook marketing plan template details what metrics will be measured, what the goals for those metrics are, and how often they will be reported on. Metrics covered in the template are:

  • Total Number of Fans
  • Overall Engagement Rate
  • Other Page-Level Metrics
  • Other Post-Level Metrics
  • Google Analytics Metrics
  • Advertising Metrics

Download the Facebook Marketing Plan Template

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