Pam Featured in New Book “SEO in 2025” (Video)

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To celebrate the launch of the book, Pam was a co-host of a roundtable panel of SEO experts to discuss what 2025 has in store. (Pam joins at the 2:01:00 mark)

SEO in 2025 Book Launch Celebration

Pam Aungst Cronin is a featured contributor to the new book “SEO in 2025” by David Bain of Majestic SEO. In the book, Pam talks about how AI will disrupt search and turn the idea of the traditional “Serp” page on its head. Along with 106 of the leading minds in the SEO field, the book is a critical guideline for navigating this quickly changing environment that leans more heavily on nuanced and context-rich content over “keyword stuffing” methods of the past. The SEO landscape in 2025 is no longer about gaming the system—it’s about delivering value, relevance, and an exceptional user experience. Order the book here.

President & Chief Web Traffic Controller at Pam Ann Marketing at Pam Ann Marketing
Recently named one of the “Top 10 Best Women in SEO,” Pam Aungst Cronin, M.B.A. is widely recognized as an expert in SEO, PPC, Google Analytics, and WordPress. A self-proclaimed “geek”, Pam began studying computer programming at 6 years old, started creating websites in 1997 and has been working professionally in the field of e-commerce since 2005. Referred to by Sprout Social as a “Twitter Success Story,” she harnessed the power of social media to launch her own agency in 2011. Pam travels all over the country speaking at conferences and guest lecturing at universities. Click here to read her full bio.
Pam Aungst Cronin