The Benefits of SEO for Small Businesses

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The benefits of SEO for small businesses.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to making your business visible and searchable for your target audience. However, there’s more to SEO than the search element. Here’s what you need to know about investing in SEO for your small business and the benefits of SEO for your small business if you have an effective SEO strategy.

Why You Need SEO for Your Small Business

One of the main benefits of SEO for small businesses is that it improves your website’s overall visibility and searchability. There are a number of benefits for why you need SEO for your business, and we’re diving into six benefits below.

1. SEO Helps Your Business Build Credibility and Trust with Your Target Audience

While the internet is great for making information available at the touch of a button, it can be difficult to discern which sources are trustworthy. Ensuring your website has the best SEO strategy in place can help establish credibility and trust with your target audience. The SEO elements that contribute to establishing that level of credibility include:

  • Optimized on-page elements and content
  • Quality backlink profiles
  • Machine-learning signals
  • Positive user behavior

However, it’s not possible to build trust and credibility overnight, so it will take time to ensure your SEO is helping your business. As Search Engine Journal states, “establishing a brand as an authority takes patience, effort, and commitment, but also relies on offering a valuable, quality product or service that allows customers to trust a brand.”  

2. Organic Search is Typically the Primary Source of Traffic to Your Site

Perhaps the most well-known benefit of SEO for small businesses is that SEO is typically the primary source of organic search traffic for your website. If your website becomes known as a trusted resource by Google and other search engines, that will only work in your business’s favor. To become known as a trusted resource by search engines, you need a high-quality website and SEO strategy.

3. A Good SEO Strategy Can Create a Better User Experience

Google has announced that their algorithms will be focusing on user experience in 2021. What some business owners may not realize is that ensuring your website provides visitors with the best user experience possible is one of the benefits of SEO for your small business that plays a large part in maximizing your site’s visibility and improving your site’s ranking. According to Search Engine Journal, “Google has learned how to interpret a favorable or unfavorable user experience, and a positive user experience has become a pivotal element to a website’s success […] Quality SEO incorporates a positive user experience, leveraging it to work in a brand’s favor.”  

4. Developing a Local SEO Strategy Can Increase Traffic, Engagement, and Conversions on Your Website

The benefits of SEO for small local businesses are immeasurable. Local SEO is essential for ensuring your target audience can quickly and easily find your business, which puts them one step closer to making completing the sale funnel and making a purchase. As Search Engine Journal states, “with the rise and growing domination of mobile traffic, local search has become a fundamental part of small- and medium-sized businesses’ success […] Local optimization focus on specific towns, cities, regions, and even states, to establish a viable medium for a brand’s messaging on a local level.”

To ensure your website and content are fully optimized to reap all of the benefits of SEO for your small business, be sure to:

  • Include local citations, listings, and backlinks that are relevant t your business’s location and vertical.
  • Complete your business’s Google My Business listing, including the Knowledge Graph panel and social media profiles.
  • Emphasize reviews of your business on Google, Angie’s List, Home Advisor, and Yelp, when applicable.  

5. SEO is a Relatively Inexpensive Way to Increase Sales for the Long-Term

Another major benefit of SEO for your small business is that it’s relatively inexpensive to implement, which makes it a viable option for most businesses. Yes, it does cost money to develop and deploy an SEO strategy to help your business, but the cost is typically worth it. Rather than thinking of SEO as a marketing expense, think of it as a true investment in your business. As Search Engine Journal states, “Good SEO implementation will hold water for years to come. And, like most things in life, will only be better with more attention (and investment).”

With the right strategy, SEO can help your business see a positive uptick in profit within the first year. The more effort, dollars, and time you can invest into SEO for your business, the better and longer you’ll see for your website and business in general. 

6. SEO Yields Measurable Results and Brings New Opportunities for Your Business

With the right tracking elements and analytics connections in place, you can measure the benefits of SEO for your small business to justify the ROI. As Search Engine Journal describes, “brands want to know and understand where they were, where they are, and where they’re going in terms of digital performance, especially for SEO when they have a person/company that is being paid to execute on its behalf.” The best way to determine the success of your SEO strategy lies in the data and the results of your optimization efforts.

Successfully analyzing the results of your SEO efforts can yield new opportunities and avenues of revenue for you to explore. 

Best Practices Need to Be Continuously Monitored and Updated to Reap the Benefits of SEO for Your Small Business

While implementing SEO practice for your business may seem like an accomplishment in and of itself, you can’t just stop there. The world of search and SEO requires constant vigilance to keep up with all of the changes that are constantly being implemented and to stay ahead of your competitors. “We know Google makes thousands of algorithm changes a year,” Search Engine Journal states. “Fall too far behind, and it will be extremely difficult to come back. SEO pros help to ensure that is avoided.”

Need Help Creating the Right SEO Strategy for Your Business?

There are a number of benefits of SEO for your small business, but with the constant changes and improvements being introduced, it can be difficult to ensure your website is always up to snuff. Out SEO services are always 100% transparent and completely in line with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. We keep you in the loop of what we’re doing to improve your site’s SEO — we’ll even teach you how to do what we do — and we won’t touch your site until we’ve planned out your SEO marketing strategy plan. Contact us today to discuss your specific SEO needs.

President & Chief Web Traffic Controller at Pam Ann Marketing at Pam Ann Marketing
Recently named one of the “Top 10 Best Women in SEO,” Pam Aungst Cronin, M.B.A. is widely recognized as an expert in SEO, PPC, Google Analytics, and WordPress. A self-proclaimed “geek”, Pam began studying computer programming at 6 years old, started creating websites in 1997 and has been working professionally in the field of e-commerce since 2005. Referred to by Sprout Social as a “Twitter Success Story,” she harnessed the power of social media to launch her own agency in 2011. Pam travels all over the country speaking at conferences and guest lecturing at universities. Click here to read her full bio.
Pam Aungst Cronin