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PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

How to use Google Ads to promote your business.
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

How to Use Google Ads to Promote Your Business

If you’re thinking about spending some of your marketing funds on ads to reach your target audience, you’ll want to spend your money in the right place in order to get the best results. Google

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Leads meter
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Explained

Google Adwords conversion tracking is vital because it’s the most important collection of information needed for improving your AdWords account. Adwords conversion tracking records how many conversions your site has received in total, the specific

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google adwords tips
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

Google AdWords Tips From the Pros

There are certain Google AdWords tips that the pros swear by. We’re not just talking about the tips you can learn from Google’s AdWords certification exam — we’re talking about the kinds of AdWords tips

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AdWords Qualified Professional
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

What it Means to be Google AdWords Certified

Being Google AdWords Certified allows you to prove to potential clients and customers that you are a recognized expert in Google AdWords. In order to ensure that individuals who are AdWords certified keep up to

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Best Practice gear
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

Google AdWords Best Practices

Are you disappointed with your Google AdWords ad positions? Does it feel like you’re paying more than you should, yet you’re always being outranked by competitors? Then chances are, you’re not following Google AdWords best

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facebook logos
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

Top 4 Types of Effective Facebook Ads

Everyone has heard about the power of Facebook ads, but not everyone knows how to harness that power and use them to grow their business. Facebook ads can do more than just generate more likes

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LinkedIn Marketing Plan Template
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

LinkedIn Marketing Plan Template

LinkedIn is one of the fastest-growing social media sites, gaining about 2 new users every second! If your business has not yet taken full advantage of the marketing opportunities within LinkedIn, now is the time

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Facebook Marketing Plan Template
PPC/SEM Articles & Tips

Facebook Marketing Plan Template (Updated)

*updates reflect changes to Facebook Pages analytics and advertising options Developing a formal Facebook marketing plan has many benefits. A marketing plan ensures clear, consistent brand messaging, helps avoid social media blunders, and provides a way

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