New Video! Watch Pam Explain the Upcoming Google Algorithm Change

We wanted to let you know about an upcoming Google algorithm update. It’s rare that Google actually gives us a heads up about these things, so this is a unique opportunity to get ahead of this one!

In this less-than-ten-minute video, Pam explains everything you need to know about this upcoming algorithm change:

Direct video link:

Also, just a reminder about our upcoming webinar for marketing agencies…

On Tuesday, February 6th at 1pm ET / 10am PT, Pam will be hosting a live webinar where she will answer any questions at all that your agency has about SEO, PPC, or Analytics.

She can cover anything at all that you need to know right now!

  • Working on a site redesign and worried about the SEO impact?
  • Have clients asking questions about AdWords or retargeting?
  • Curious what’s going to change in SEO in 2018?
  • Confused in Google Analytics and need help figuring something out?

Just join her on February 6th and ask her anything!!

Click here to register.

Submit your questions in advance using the webinar registration form, hashtag #AskStealth on Twitter, or in the comments below.

You can also ask questions on live chat during the webinar, but submitting in advance will give you the best chance of having your question answered within the allotted time!

Can’t make it to the live event? Register and submit your questions anyway, and we will send you the recording afterward.

We hope that this opportunity to get some free SEO, PPC, or analytics consulting is helpful to you!

Pam Aungst Cronin
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