LinkedIn Marketing Plan Template

LinkedIn is one of the fastest-growing social media sites, gaining about 2 new users every second! If your business has not yetLinkedIn Marketing Template taken full advantage of the marketing opportunities within LinkedIn, now is the time to start.

LinkedIn users tend to be more business-oriented and quite a bit more affluent than the average social media user. For some companies, particularly B2B companies (businesses that sell to other businesses), LinkedIn is a downright goldmine.

Even if your business relies on traditional “outbound” prospecting methods such as cold calling, LinkedIn can still provide a wealth of opportunities. Using the “InMail” feature of LinkedIn is similar to cold calling, except it has been shown to be up to 30 times more effective. “InMails” typically bypass spam filters (as opposed to “cold emailing” people directly), and your profile is attached to your message, providing an instant credibility factor. Additionally, LinkedIn’s searching capabilities allow sales reps to drill down right to the exact type of company they’re looking for and the exact decision maker they want to get in touch with. Gone are the days of battling your way through receptionists whose primary mission is to NOT let you through to “the person in charge of XYZ.”

The LinkedIn Marketing Plan Template

Since LinkedIn is quite different from other social networks, it can be more difficult to figure out how to use it for marketing purposes.  Since my Facebook Marketing Plan Template was such a big hit (thousands of people have downloaded it), I decided to put one together for LinkedIn. This LinkedIn Marketing Plan template has 12 pages of information on how to put together a strategic approach to marketing on this network. It is laid out in outline format, allowing you to simply fill in details specific to your company. There are also fill-in-the-blank type statements with multiple choices reflecting different possible approaches.

The template starts out with a “Current Situation Analysis”, allowing you to benchmark your starting point so that the success of your efforts can be measured along the way. Then there’s the “meat” of the template – the strategic plan portion. This part covers everything from profile optimization to building connections t0 group participation and even LinkedIn advertising. Lastly, there’s a section on “Reporting, Measurement, and Continuous Improvement” that will help you define which KPIs (key performance indicators) will be tracked and set goals for performance gains on each.

This LinkedIn Marketing Plan template is also chock full of tips on proper use of LinkedIn, best practices, and information on the various premium and advertising services that LinkedIn offers.


LinkedIn Marketing Plan Template Preview

Preview of the LinkedIn Marketing Plan Template

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